sábado, 14 de junho de 2008

April 4th - An overview of the structures of the English Language

This workshop was given by Beatriz Ribeiro Ferreira Pucci, she teaches at UNIUBE. It was very good to improve our manners to give classes cause she showed us some strategies to teach grammar with fun. She gave us many activities with grammar, listenning and speaking. The time passed quickly!!! I loved the activities and I'll remember then when I teach!!!
She gave us a music too, she said that retracts the teacher's journey cause the teacher is always trying to found new manners to teach adapting according to the groups and multiple intelligences we find inside the classroom.The music is here, listen:

At the end , she asked us to post two exercises about grammar structures at our blogs, so here it's:

Mountain Man

The history of sumo wrestling goes back over 2000 years. Its origins are connected to the Japanese belief in Shinto, the 'way of the gods', where winning gains favour with the gods. This is why the ritual of a sumo match is taken so seriously.
The clay fighting ring is itself a sacred shrine. On entering it, the enourmous wrestlerfirst claps, to attract the gods' attention and indicate his own purity of heart. Having done that, he shakes his apron to drive away evil spirits, and raises his arms to show he carries no weapons. Next comes his most dramatic gesture. With his left hand on his heart and his right arm extended to the east, the huge fighter raises his right leg as high as possible - to send ti crashing down with all his force. Then he performs the same earth-shaking stamp with the other leg. After that, he purifies himself and the ring by throwing salt, wiping himself, and rinsing his mouth with water. Finally, the opponents spend three or four minutes trying to intimidate each other with grimaces and threatening postures.
Tha fight itself is briefand brutal and consists of thunderous collision that rarely lasts more than ten seconds, which ends when one giant is pushedto the ground or outside the circle.


1) What gramatical structures can you see in the second paragraph for describing a sequence?

2)Write a composition describing a sport that you know.

  • Refer to the following if appropriate:

where you play

what you play with

what you wear

who you play with

the object of the game

tha basic rules

  • Use some of the words and structures from the text to describe sequences.

3) Discus the following questions:

  • What sport do you enjoy palying most? Are there any other sports would you like to try?

  • What sport do you enjoy watching most? Do you prefer going to sports events or watching then on TV?

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